Wearable Mobile Computers

In mobile scanning workflows, less wasted movement produces greater efficiency. This is especially true for tasks like picking workflows, large package handling, sortation, truck loading and other common workflows in warehouse, retail, and transportation and logistics operations. With wearable computers, there’s no need for your mobile workers to find, pick up, and set down a handheld scanner. And with greater efficiency comes greater productivity, helping your business keep pace with demand, while reducing labor costs.

SK&T can put together the perfect portfolio of wearable devices to truly mobilize your warehouse or manufacturing team to shave time-wasting actions and increase productivity and profit with every shift.

Zebra WS50 Wearable Mobile Computer with Android Operating System from SK&T Integration

WS50 Wearable Computer

by Zebra

The Zebra WS50 Android Wearable Computer is the world’s smallest Android-based, enterprise-class wearable mobile device, designed to revolutionize warehouse workflows like picking, receiving, and inventory management. With the WS50, workers can operate hands-free without juggling multiple devices, boosting efficiency and reducing operational delays. Its modular design allows it to be worn in various ways—on the wrist, back of the hand, or two fingers—making it ideal for a range of tasks. The WS50 provides reliable, rugged performance with advanced barcode scanning capabilities and real-time data access, ensuring increased productivity in fast-paced environments. The power of Android ensures seamless integration with warehouse management applications, making it a perfect solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations while enhancing mobility and communication on the go.

Zebra WS50 Wearable Mobile Computer with Android Operating System from SK&T Integration
8690i Wearable Computer by Honeywell
8690i Wearable Computer by Honeywell

8690i Wearable RFID Mini Mobile Computer

by Honeywell

The Honeywell 8690i device is a compact, high-performance, hands-free mini mobile computer that will help your business improve workflow efficiency and reduce costs. Drives streamlined workflows via a single device for many applications, replacing an RFID reader, scanner and mobile computer. Customizable user-facing display communicates workflow instructions, while the two-button interface enables users to navigate menus and confirm selections. Connects directly to the network application through Wi-Fi and the SDK, even enabling offline functionality via TotalFreedom™ plug-in development.

WT6000 Wearable Computer by Zebra

WT6000 Wearable Computer

by Zebra

The WT6000 Android wearable computer sets a standard for enterprise-class wearability. It’s smaller and lighter than other wearables on the market. And with the incredible mounting system, the WT6000 fits comfortably on every worker, on any size arm. Its industrial rugged design delivers maximum uptime in your most demanding environments. The result? Maximum comfort. Maximum durability. Maximum workforce productivity. The WT6000 — putting the wearable in industrial wearable computing.

WT6000 Wearable Computer by Zebra
WT1N0 Wearable Computer by Zebra

WT41NO Wearable Mobile Computer

by Zebra

With the major increase in package volume driven by multi-channel support, demands for the ultimate in customer service and increasing regulations for traceability, you need to move more items through your warehouse or distribution center and capture more information about those items than ever before. With the WT41N0 Wearable Terminals Series on the arms of your workers, you will. These rugged devices will allow you to achieve maximum error-proof productivity, operational efficiency and accuracy through voice compatibility for streamlined warehouse and package handling functions. A full range of accessories future-proofs and protects this investment, allowing you to easily expand the functionality of this hip- or wrist-mounted device with cordless scanners and more.

Wearable computers & Scanners are key to warehouse efficiency. Do you want to know more about the perfect solution?